Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You're Fly.

"If you, as the leader, want to make a difference, you must first find out what is wrong with you so you can be able to empower others."

1. WHAT did YOU LEARN while I was away? Academically, Behaviorally, etc.

In retrospect, the time that Mr. Tillay was away was a tremendous period of self-reflection--I had plenty of time to take a step back, complete the assignments, and evaluate where I was as a person, student, and young man. Unfortunately I feel it was too much time, and quickly after a few days I began to feel as if I was going through the motions with the work and assignments. I realized my fervor, my fire for learning was not being tended to. That's all taken care of with Tillay returning again, but I realized one major thing when he was away: Mr. Tillay will not be there to kindle my fire for learning forever, and I must somehow find the drive within me to push myself to the same level of determination and motivation that I get from Mr. T.

Just last night Mary and I talked about how Raymond essentially drives himself-- he identifies how far he has to go to get the job done, goes about his way in getting there, and stops. We talked about how when he took AP Fiziks, he hardly did any of the work-- he understood what he himself needed to pass the exam, did it, and was on his way. I am not saying that I am better off with this method-- to each his own--but I do bring this up because of his inner drive. He kindled his own fire, and I must learn to somehow kindle my own. Without it, I feel I will flounder in college, and I will be looking around in confusion knowing that when motivated, I am king. But when going through the motions, I am mediocre, I am not special.

Behaviorally I was pretty much even keel the whole time. I am proud to say that Johann actually got some pep in her step and solved a few problems on her own, so I am happy to report that there is hope left in our youth after all. I am proud of the fact that I am making leaps and bounds towards surrounding myself with positive and enthusiastic people. I must continue this. I can actually say I am happy with what is going on with my life, because I've dealt with putting my happiness in steady, solid things, and not shaky, uncertain ones.

2. HOW would I know that you learned it? WHERE would I find the PROOF?

This question pretty much tells me "Okay Earnest, you said what you have learned, how will that resonate to me, your teacher?" I feel I have always shown that I am a thoughtful student, and eventually things that are pressing to me I always ask guidance for, and the things I feel I must add on based on your advice I try my best to apply in my life and study habits.

One thing I truly appreciate and cherish is the little bits of counseling I get from you not only as a fiziks teacher, but as a mentor and guide. I enjoy sharing input and recieving all the emails that I've gotten throughout the schoolyear, and I feel great in having such a connection with a teacher like that. I'm really just like a sponge trying to suck up everything I can in my own time. People ask me sometimes "You email Mr. Tillay often?" and I kinda grin back and say "Yeah, pretty much. Haha." It basically speaks for itself.

3. HOW WELL did you BEHAVE while Mr. Okun was your TEACHER? EXPLAIN.

I behaved myself very well while Mr. Okun was at the helm. I don't really have much to expound about this, I feel I am exponentially above acting like a class clown or jackass when the teacher is trying to do his/her job. That is so 8th grade...anyway, I was particularly polite when he would ask for help about what to do next or what exactly should the class be doing at the moment, and I answered as best I could. Additionally, I did make him laugh a few times over the time he was here. I take pride in my humor, and I hardly ever expose it during fiziks class because I'm so focused.

4. LIST the names of the homework, class work, exam parts, and URL/Computer Notes that you completed while I was away. Use the backside of this paper.

Hickman 149-156
Textbook Q's Ch. 11 3,5,14,17,18
Online Practice Q's Ch. 11 (Early Completion)
Video Notes 21
Attempted PS #24, 25, 26
Practice Problems Ch. 11
URL Notes
Video Notes 22
CD work pg 95-96
Hewitt 159-168

5. Give yourself a GRADE for your OVERALL Achievement while I was gone. Explain.

In all honesty I would give myself an A- just for the simple fact that even though I completed everything that was thrown at me, that alone is not anywhere close to where I can be at, I did not feel up for much above and beyond work like how I usually tackle feverishly, such as blue sheet work. I know I dont do much fizguide work, but I feel better in my accomplishments in struggling through with Giancoli than breezing through the fizguide, mainly because I dont stem my confidence that I am learning through quantity of assignments completed, but more so in struggles confronted and dealt with. I actually feel empty when completing non-grade assignments, much like the virtual lab. I feel fly when I go through the grind, baby!

I would enjoy a review day of the material we covered in your absence, and I am looking forward to more time with the oddly wired teacher at the front again.


Lisaaaaa said...

Haha, this is also your physics blog? Or are you just blogging that stuff for the sake of it?

BUT YES, I'd love to subscribe or -- follow your blog :3 Except I don't know how exactly I'm going to do that.

Lisaaaaa said...

Oh, I also wanted to say this was Lisa, so that I didn't have to freak you out when you saw my comment, but yes, anyways I figured out hwo to follow your blogs. You're a wonderful writer, keep it up! :3

dt said...

Big E, interesting stuff! Guess you knew in advance what I was trying to do with the evaluation.

I am always trying to get each person to look at themselves truthfully! Growth comes from personal examination and determination to improve.

We only have about 40 days left. Hopefully, we learn how to help each other with the hours left to us!

Wishing you focused passion!

Mr. T