Sunday, March 8, 2009


Opinions are first and foremost not facts and cannot be seen as "right" or "wrong" thinking. If you come into a conversation looking to shoot someone's opinion down, I feel that is harsh. Even if someone contradicts themselves, I feel it is okay because its their opinion; they have a right to change their mind. When someone says "oh you're a hipocrite because you say this and say another later" is just ignorant to change. Which makes it almost pointless to get into an argument with someone based off words and what was said.

If someone does action, then contradicts his/her actions after with another action, I feel that is reason to question. But not based off of words alone. I kind of live off the quote "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." I never care of anyone's opinion of me, if I did, I would not get a lot of things I do accomplished, I would be so wrapped up in perception that I would be frozen and hesitant to do anything. Sometimes it's best to block perception and opinions.

But opinions are always a touchy subject. There are fine lines between opinions, advice, and criticism. Opinions can be either, but tend to be seen as either advice or criticism based off additional factual statements, and whether they are positive or negative comments.

When saying an opinion, you might want to feel caution when trying to also convince others that your thinking is right. People might feel offended from your vibe. Sometimes I say my opinion and put it in a manner where it can be taken as "This is what I said. Take it how you take it" kind of emphasis. But when I feel strongly about my opinion, I say it and give an example to support my statement.

But you must always remember to try and not catch hard feelings towards mere strangers who are openly opinionated, because they are just expressing themselves, and in the end, opinions arent concrete enough to be seen as right or wrong. The most they can be is a thought that many people agree or disagree with. Which in turn is where you get your stereotypes, labels, racial slurs, beliefs, assumptions, and so on.

But then again, this blog is an opinion in and of itself. It's just how I see things. Keeping things in perspective, remembering the grander scale, is best when dealing with Opinions...

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