Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Okay. I'm going to try and best explain more parts of myself and how i think. I think people think it's interesting to know what makes me tick, what makes me who I am, what I base myself off of. It's an ongoing process, and I probably cannot explain everything in one blog. This might take hella blogs. But that's what blogging's for!

1. I'm big on quotes, inspirational/motivational messages, and general "words to live by". My mother would always put up these little positive magazine articles on my wall, or framed messages bought from garage sales she would pass. Above my desktop computer there are three pieces of paper taped to the wall. One is titled "Keys to success" and it lists ten words in order: Attitude, Believe, Commitment, Integrity, Work Ethics, Urgency, Excitement, Desire, Knowledge, Coachability. I do live by these words in order, believing that attitude is most important to success, then comes self confidence, sticking to your goals, doing what is right, working diligently and passionately, wanting to achieve, then comes knowledge, and being able to gain from others. Note that knowledge is 9th on the list. It is probably because whoever wrote this list also thought that "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

There is also another paper below the keys to success titled "Positive Guidelines to Success" which have short and sweet phrases that are good to go by, such as "You can get anything in life you want, if you help other people get what they want", and "Too much analysis causes paralysis".

Lastly, there is a page from an old magazine entitled "Words to Live By" compiled by Katie Hilbert that is filled with quotes from many famous people. There are some good quotes on there, namely one by Les Brown, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars", and "There's something liberating about not pretending. Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk" said by Drew Barrymore.

2. Here are a few people that I base myself from:

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