Monday, March 30, 2009



Spring semester 2010 though. I'm okay about it, because the very next morning after I certified-mailed my reservation spot for the Berkeley Fall Extension Program for freshmen who got accepted into the spring semester. It was a $100 fee by check, and a page I had to print out, and hopefully I got reserved because there are only 625 spots in this program.

I read up on it and it says that it is okay for me to reserve a spot in the program before sending my letter of intent, and I will be notified if I got into the program after May 1. However, I am wondering if this program and how I fare in it will affect my spring semester in any way.

Anyway, I will be keeping myself busy by taking a couple classes over the summer and maybe in the fall as well if I don't get into the fall extension program. Particularly I'd want to take an English class, a calculus class, and a computer class. Hopefully these are spread out and I will be very careful in not burning myself out before college.

Thank you Ms. Jurkovich, I was really expecting Berkeley to turn me down especially after being declined from Cal Poly. Even after receiving my acceptance into Berkeley I was hesitant into which school should I choose, Berkeley or Davis. I'm taking time during this spring break to talk it over with all of my family and close friends and they said that they would be especially proud of me if I went to Berkeley. It has been my dream school, and the only thing that I am hesitant about is whether or not I will be able to handle the workload and rigor of Berkeley. Could you tell me a little bit more about your personal experience as a student, academic-wise?

Again, thank you very much and I think if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been able to get through the personal statement and application phase AT ALL. I am grateful for your help and all those times where you called me out of class to make sure I was on the right track with my college stuff.

I know, long email. Sorry! hahah

Earnest Salgado


Hi Earnest,
AHHHH!!! (I know, I got a list of students who were accepted on Thursday night.. I was absolutely thrilled when I saw your name on the list, I was screaming at my computer, haha)!!! CONGRATULATIONS, I am SO proud of you! Honestly, I knew you would get in, you are a perfect fit for Berkeley.

And I'm so glad you already reserved a spot for Fall Extension. I'm sure you will be fine since you reserved a spot so quickly. I have many friends who took fall extension courses for the first semester, and they all graduated with students in 4 years who started the "normal" way in the fall on the Berkeley campus. By the way, spring admits are selected randomly, so it has nothing to do with your qualifications. Berkeley does this because it has something to do with enrollment numbers, and they have more spots in the Spring. And extension classes are held (or they were when I was there, this could have changed, I'll find out) at a large church next to the dorms, just a couple of blocks from the actual Berkeley campus. And often times, extension students may live in the dorms. You want to make sure you reserve housing as soon as you are able to do so. I
had tons of friends in extension who lived on my floor in the dorms freshman year. I know students really like extension because class sizes are a bit smaller, and because you're in classes only with extension students, you tend to form a close community of friends. If for some reason your spot is not reserved, do let me know, I'll see if I can pull any strings! (I do doubt this though since you sent in a reservation so quickly).

Fall extension doesn't affect your spring semester. If you took classes in the fall through extension, you would start spring semester on the actual Berkeley campus. Also, the professors for Extension are still real Berkeley professors, so you are getting the same amazing education. Your extension classes give you the same types of credits as "normal" enrollment.

And I was in your situation too, thinking about Davis or Berkeley. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to deal with the rigor of Berkeley, and so afraid that everyone else would be smarter than me. But after my first semester at Cal, I found out everyone feels that way. I have every absolute confidence that if you attend Cal, you will be successful there. You are an intelligent, resourceful student who will ask questions if something doesn't make sense and utilize resources to help you through. I'm not saying it will be easy, because it isn't for anyone, but Berkeley has an incredible support system for students through tutoring services, etc. Professors have office hours, graduate students are there to help you as well. And if you live in the dorms, often the dorms provide tutoring services, as well. Berkeley is a challenge, but that challenge brought me such rewards and gave me an education I think is truly unique to that university. I honestly think it's the one of the best educations
you can get in the world. And I think that if you attend Berkeley you might surprise yourself with your capabilities...that's what happened to me. I was convinced I would not get above C's in my classes, but I actually never ended up getting below a B. And I came from a high school where no one goes away to college, let alone Cal, so it was even extra scary because it was like uncharted waters...I had no idea if high school had prepared me.

Obviously, my opinion is going to be biased, and you need to attend college where you feel fits you the best, but don't not go to Berkeley only because the rigor is intimidating. I think what I loved so much about Cal was the fact that not only did I get an amazing education inside the classroom, but you learn so much from the diversity of the other students there, too. And remember, you were selected to go there from thousands of other qualified applicants, because the admissions officers know that if you attend, you will succeed and know that you have something great to offer to the campus community.

I will forward you an invitation to a reception for new admits with UC Berkeley's Chancellor tomorrow...the reception is on April 15th from 5:30-7:30pm, and it would be wonderful if you and your parents could attend (I'll be there!). The chancellor will speak, and the reception is for students from high schools who have EAOP/Destination College type

Sorry, that was long, too. But let's definitely talk when we get back from break... I could go on for years about how much I love Cal, and why I think you would too! haha And email me if you have any questions/concerns over this week, I will be checking my email often.

Congrats, again! I know your family must be so proud of you! And be proud of yourself, this is a huge accomplishment. YAY!!!

Kristen Jurkovich


1 comment:

Lisaaaaa said...

Congrats on finally deciding on choosing to go to Berkley. I'm glad that you got into the dream school, you've always dream of going to. Haha, I wish my dream school came to me~! Perhaps when I go to grad school. Although that seems abit far away.. LUCKY BASTARD! LOL.