Monday, March 23, 2009


If there is one thing I dislike, it's that I don't like being put into stereotypes or presumed categories. I also dont like putting said titles or categories on myself as well. In my opinion I feel as if that is a type of limitation or weakness. If you bind yourself to be something, you are uniting and paralleling yourself with all the stereotypes and assumptions that come with it, for better or worse.

For example, when I introduce myself to a crowd or to new people, I say "Hey, my name is Earnest Salgado", and not much else. I am a lot of things, whether you know that or not, such as Vallejo High's ASB President, devoted student, avid 49ers/Giants/Bulls/Warriors fan, Hip Hop head, lightweight Sneaker freak, shopper, filipino, son of Ernesto and Rose Salgado, etc, etc.

It's not that I am ashamed of what I am or what have you, it's just that I would like people to get to know me as Earnest Salgado first and foremost. Sure, I could choose to include some good stuff that I do or that I am, but I decline not to for the sake of not passing judgement. And for the most part, it works. I feel that if you are worth knowing, then it's worth telling you the other stuff about me. That's my simple opinion...But I digress.

I see the act of categorizing yourself as a form of limitation and weakness. I see it as putting yourself out there as said category or type for the most part, which leaves not much else room for any other attributes of yourself.

I think it stems from my belief in the "do all, be all" saying, the Bruce Lee belief that "the best style is no style. Be like water".

Yeah, you can say that this is where Pride fits into the spectrum of life, but I say these things as not much of a boastful person. I don't fault those who genuinely toot their own horn, more power to you. You can make others proud and you can be proud of yourself without too much pride, it can be done.

If anything, categorize yourself with good, wholesome ones. I personally like to include really obscure things about me at this point, such as "I wash dishes and fold clothes =]" or "I don't have text because my mother thought it as a distraction".

Just a little food for thought in the morning, you know I woke up thinking about this?

In other news, my father is leaving for the Philippines tonight. I still have a lot of homework to do. And I think my Chingu is realllly coooool