Sunday, July 26, 2009

I love College.

This was how my orientation ended. It's not a video of my specific orientation, but it was exactly like it. This moment made all of my uncertainties about choosing the right college go away. Enjoy.

P.S. I can teach this cheer along with a bunch of other Cal cheers to you if you ask!


Lisaaaaa said...

You suck, you're going to an awesome school. Espeically one to be proud of and stuff? Lol. SFSU is gay. I'm a gator? Wtf? GATOR? Lol

A. said...

Awww! I can hella picture you doing this. Have fun at Cal, bro! Imma miss your smartass remarks :)

To Lisa: Stop complaining..I'm a HORNET -__- went from an Apache to a bug