Sunday, August 2, 2009


Taking a step back and looking to see how other people fare with their college preparations, people seem nervous. Anxious. Scared.

Anything but hopeful.

I see it way too many times where people talk about worrying about missing home, missing Vallejo, missing the past and holding on to it for too long. In all actuality, nobody is really going anywhere. Everyone's gonna be in the area. It's not like anybody went across the country or to another state or even down south. If you really care or vice versa, friends would either visit each other at college or make plans during the breaks or weekends. It's that simple.

Vallejo will still be there. It will always be. Same old Vallejo. This is a good and bad thing.

The stuff I take pride in myself is my ability to tolerate a lot of things without complaining, whining or losing composure, and my knack for looking on the bright side. With that said, I'm not really worried about missing anything or anyone. Yeah, I would miss my family if anything but even then that's minimal. I'm not worried about missing Vallejo. I'm not worried about my past. I will miss my close friends, but it's a feeling that must be kind of ignored, it's like necessary.

My vision of college is to learn to do you. Be you, be nobody but you, and to learn to do you good. It's about learning who you are, being able to stand up and spread your wings without being judged or worring about all the BS of high school. It's a fresh start, a clean slate. Nobody knows who the hell you are, some people dont care, some people want to care.

Some people don't see the opportunity at hand.

I'm not saying that I'm gonna get out there in Berkeley and never coming back to Vallejo or the people I know in it, but what I am saying is that I'm gonna make the most of my opportunity. And people who know me best know that I do that with every chance that I'm given. They knew that I gave everything I could to Vallejo and Vallejo High when the time came, working tirelessly in the classroom, in Leadership, and everything else I did.

I'm not dissing where I came from, I'm not ditching anyone, I'm saying that the time for us to find our paths in life has come.

And it's gonna start real soon.


A. said...

Sometimes I feel that you write your blogs based on my previous blogs..

Mary's blog said...

Dude,what if there's a terrorist attack on Vallejo? Then what?