Thursday, April 16, 2009

Like a magnet

Let's talk about the laws of attraction, and how they apply to me. Less focus on the physicalities, more focus on the steez, the inner selves. Basically, what is Earnest attracted to?

First of all, good humor is a good thing to have. You don't have to be funny yourself, just understand and parallel yourself with my jokes. A good laugh is a great thing to posess, and if you haven't noticed, you can get away with a lot of stuff if you have good humor about things.

You know how people talk about being unique and liking someone because they're...different? Well, different isn't hard to be, and it's a turn off when people call themselves on it. In all actuality, calling yourself out to be something is a turnoff all its own, unless you're hella sick and you're just that raw. For example, if you say "oh shiznit im the shit cus i do this, this, and that!" then it's not cool. You gots to go!

It's just that I don't believe in making an effort in going against the grain, just for the sake of going against the grain. If something is cool then it's cool, regardless if it's a popular trend or not. True individuality is effortless.

What also attracts me towards people is if they know a lot about alot, is what I call it, meaning that they have either been well traveled, goes out alot maybe and knows good places to shop/eat at, knows movies and music, youtubes, etc. The way you can spot these kinds of people is where you can be talking about something, and they'll overhear and add input and laugh with you. Being updated and keeping in the know is a good way to be resourceful to people.

Confidence is actually very cool. Although there is a difference between being that and being a cocky asshole/ignorant/whack/annoying. Sometimes I get enjoyment out of hearing someone say something really bold, then thinking to myself "Damn! They really just said that!" I say that all the time about the Alex, Alexis, and Justin. Probably why I am always with them. To hear a girl say something audacious is something to see.

Too much of something is ALWAYS a bad thing. I like diverse people. No, not Indians and Ethiopians-- people who can be serious when it comes to it, but still fun and easygoing at other times. Too much of anything-- too much of a goody-good, or too much drugs/alcohol, too much sex, too much studying, too much worrying, too much is too much!

There are also other things that attract or repel me, but I dont like to rabble on. These are the things that I find dope, according to me.

1 comment:

sushifiend said...

Indians and Ethiopians.. hahaha.
That made me lol in the middle of 3rd w you right there on your Kaplan.. :]