Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Things To Never Say To A Girl

"1). Are you okay?

If I'm not okay, I probably don't want to talk about it, and if I am okay, then I'll be irked that you think I'm not. A classic case of, "Heads I win, tails you lose," but what can we do?

2). Is it that time of the month?

Self-explanatory. Just don't go there.

3). Are you really going to wear that?

Yes. I am.

4). I was going to call...

Then you should have.

5). Your friend is pretty.

You are treading dangerous territory, my friend.

6). Mean things about her mother.

Even if our mother is Satan's spawn and we complain about her ourselves, it is not okay for you to follow suit."

I got that from a xanga blogger. Seems pretty damn true, and I've said 4/6 of those things before. It was all bad. Speaking of all bad, right now seems that way. The Bulls are getting their ass whooped, I'm stressin' out studying for these AP tests, I had a very big argument with the person that I don't want to lose from my life even though it seems like they're doing everything possible to do that, I have no friends, etc., etc.

Well, looking on the bright side this week...

Prom was pretty crackin' maaayynn, oh and ex-prom date Janevie came back from Hawaii =]! And she brought me a gift, whooot hahaha! Thanks for the soft-core porn status calendar hahah, I swear once I got it Alex and I got into a big fuss about which girl from each month had real or fake breasts. -___- HAA we even got the girls into it, and even nick hahaha

Cal-day was sick as fuck. It was like, whatever pedestal I held UC Berkeley on, just rose even higher, and whatever thoughts about how dope it was got multiplied by like 100. Big ass campus, joog on the student store (i swear i'm cleaning it out one day), good vibe, engaging students, faculty, and ms. jurkovich was the bomb, yo!

Then the same day I finally got my Cal hat 7 1/2. Finally, after like 2 1/2 weeks.. but it was pretty much worth the wait

finish this later, check me out yo haha

1 comment:

sushifiend said...

no friends? riiight.