Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I cannot put into words what these three days have been like. When I said life changed drastically, it was an understatement. I've probably met hundreds of new people, some of whom I have a hard time remembering names. It's predominantly asian, then a distant white population as second, then probably indian/middle eastern. Nobody's filipino. It's weird how the half-a-handful filipinos that are here are so divided, except my roommate is half. There is no cluster of filipinos; to find two full ones is impossible. Rare to even see one.

Berkeley makes me realize how short I am. There's always something to do, something to see, someone to meet. It's so fast. Some people are definitely the people that hardly study and get good grades, some people work hard for their grades, and I feel inferior. By a lot.

Some people got 5's on all of their AP exams...and they got accepted into Ivy Leagues and everything, but just chose berkeley. That shit scares me.

The conversations I've had with people are so different from when I would talk to my friends. There is no slang used whatsoever. You hear a big word every other sentence, like "inundated" and "cognitive" and all those other adjectives that could be easily replaced with a simpler word. It's ridiculous.

It's hard to blog about my experiences because a whole bunch happens and its too much to describe. Let me try to put a whole bunch of shit down. Random stuff.

I bowled with Koreans tonight. My suite mates are introverted nerds that dont go out. Foothill is generally quiet, too quiet, and the south side is definitely better. My RA is cool. My roommate brought a 32 inch tv into our dorm, and im happy he did. Playing gears of war 2 until 1 am is dope. Food is kinda expensive. My legs are so tired from walking every day. Bums are scary. Berkeley is definitely not a place for relationships whatsoever. Everyone I've met is totally not looking for anything at all, and I feel in a way like my future girlfriend won't even come from Berkeley. Imagine that, being single for four more years. I guess people think I'm a pretty cool guy to talk to, I've met probably close to two hundred people in three days. I can definitely say one of my cooler new friends is my friend Kimberly Woo, whom I've spent today's afternoon and bowling night with.

I love college.

1 comment:

sushifiend said...

My experience is totally different yo. The people here make me feel normal and shit- no intense vocab unless needed for class, hella chill, and just.. regular.

Yeah, Im waiting for your call as I read this, hah.