Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm not okay.

I feel a lot of things. But lately, right when I open the blogger up and type down a few words, I just go "man all of it's going to get better, I don't want to write something here and then it gets fixed and then my entry just seems like wasted words."

Well, really... everyone's just trying to find a way out of my life. Everybody is just so anxious for graduation and their plans, everything. It just seems like right when they get their diploma, zoom they're outta here, and probably very happy to be out too. I get that vibe from people lately, very much so. Nobody wants to stay around it seems, when really someone's here just watching everything fall apart.

Who am I to stop anything? I don't even know if I'm important to them anymore, that's how bad it is. I try everyday to ask how their day was, if anything interesting happened, and everything gets swatted down.

What am I to stop people from what they want? If their future plans for after high school, whether it be moving or going to school, I hope to God that it brings them happiness. Because that's all I want the people I care for to feel-- happy.

But what can I do to contribute to people's happiness? Too many times I've heard that I was a waste of people's time, I was a regret, anything that involved me was a mistake, everything. I feel like total shit. And probably with my words and actions, I probably make everyone else feel like shit too.

How do I feel? I feel like I'm just trying to find happiness. What else could I do when Plan A doesn't work out? Sit around and be sorry for myself? I would die. Yeah, I try to be as happy as someone who's been through what I been through, can you blame me? But the most frustrating thing about it all is that they don't seem to be happy. I get affected when that happens, how could I not? I just don't get anything. I wish I knew what they needed. I know what I need.

The most frustrating thing is that I feel that if I don't try to talk to them, they're just gonna be okay with not talking to me.

Everyone loses.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Let's go to Lake Herman and throw rocks at the ducks. Then throw boulders off the cliff into the lake hahaha. Let's go to Wing Stop and eat the 20 Wing special for $14.95! Watch movies with me when you have time. We can go to Target just to look at the toys section. Come to the mall with me and shop, hell, come anywhere with me just to shop! Call me at 5 in the morning just to talk. Take the Bart with me, and love the bart! Don't be afraid to take the lead. Gooooo with the flow. Come over and meet my family! Come over period hahah. Teach me how to fly a kite. Bike with me and Alex at the waterfront. Hang out with my friends. Be particular about what matters, and whatever about what doesn't matter. Have Dreams. Dream about us. Listen to Nas, and be into hip hop already without me getting you into it. Have more pairs of shoes than me, hahah. Please wear halfcabs, cuz girls with halfcabs are hella sexy. Dance with me. Shop at Haight and True and wear all the dope stuff I wish I had. Have an opinion about everything, and don't be afraid to speak your mind or hurt my feelings. Be street smart. Naturally love me and I'll naturally love you and I won't have to work for your love and vice versa, it'll just be...perfect.

Friday, April 24, 2009


My Hero, haha

Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 Things To Never Say To A Girl

"1). Are you okay?

If I'm not okay, I probably don't want to talk about it, and if I am okay, then I'll be irked that you think I'm not. A classic case of, "Heads I win, tails you lose," but what can we do?

2). Is it that time of the month?

Self-explanatory. Just don't go there.

3). Are you really going to wear that?

Yes. I am.

4). I was going to call...

Then you should have.

5). Your friend is pretty.

You are treading dangerous territory, my friend.

6). Mean things about her mother.

Even if our mother is Satan's spawn and we complain about her ourselves, it is not okay for you to follow suit."

I got that from a xanga blogger. Seems pretty damn true, and I've said 4/6 of those things before. It was all bad. Speaking of all bad, right now seems that way. The Bulls are getting their ass whooped, I'm stressin' out studying for these AP tests, I had a very big argument with the person that I don't want to lose from my life even though it seems like they're doing everything possible to do that, I have no friends, etc., etc.

Well, looking on the bright side this week...

Prom was pretty crackin' maaayynn, oh and ex-prom date Janevie came back from Hawaii =]! And she brought me a gift, whooot hahaha! Thanks for the soft-core porn status calendar hahah, I swear once I got it Alex and I got into a big fuss about which girl from each month had real or fake breasts. -___- HAA we even got the girls into it, and even nick hahaha

Cal-day was sick as fuck. It was like, whatever pedestal I held UC Berkeley on, just rose even higher, and whatever thoughts about how dope it was got multiplied by like 100. Big ass campus, joog on the student store (i swear i'm cleaning it out one day), good vibe, engaging students, faculty, and ms. jurkovich was the bomb, yo!

Then the same day I finally got my Cal hat 7 1/2. Finally, after like 2 1/2 weeks.. but it was pretty much worth the wait

finish this later, check me out yo haha

Monday, April 20, 2009

Counting the days.

Time is running down.

Air Salgado (8:08:16 PM): well like, the thing about being a senior in late april
Air Salgado (8:08:36 PM): is that you know that life is going to change very drastically in the immediate future
Air Salgado (8:08:55 PM): and as much as you want to latch on to someone for companionship or love
Air Salgado (8:08:58 PM): you feel hesitant
smartishpnay (8:09:06 PM): yeah thats exactly how i feel.

In all reality, it seems very brash and illogical to have a relationship right now. But sometimes, there are moments where it seems very trying. Days and nights pass when you think of having someone you can trust with everything, you can tell everything, you can call them at anytime and they'll answer, and you know they'll love you for it. I think everyone at some point long for companionship like that, and I feel that everyone in life should have the chance to feel love like that.

I honestly had that before, and I can say I chose to let it go. I made that decision, and for the most part I am proud of myself for it. I dont miss that person, I miss that genuine connection with another person pretty much. Just having something that solid.

But I can feel this way one second, and the next moment not feel a thing. The next moment I can be perfectly fine with my life, loving where I am going with things, feeling for the most part like I don't need someone right now. That's how I feel like 90% of the time.

It's just the remaining 10% where I am either alone at home just thinking, or in the minutes laying in bed before i sleep. Or driving home at night. I think about these things. At Prom I thought about it, like maybe there was a reason why I went alone this year.

There are times where I think I am a total loser because it's been so long since someone's forreals been totally into me. Like I have repellant. Haha.

Although I think all of these things, I do understand that I am very selective in who I choose to like. On the reals, you got to be pretty damn dope if I like you. I understand that I do have my own ambitions to chase, my own life to live, my own shit that I like to get done on a daily basis...

But that doesn't mean that I can't hope. Note to my future girlfriend, whoever you are. You better have a good ass reason why I had to wait this long. Or perhaps why I didn't notice you before. And if I haven't met you yet, apologize for not meeting me earlier. Hahaha.

Life on your own terms is very liberating.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Like a magnet

Let's talk about the laws of attraction, and how they apply to me. Less focus on the physicalities, more focus on the steez, the inner selves. Basically, what is Earnest attracted to?

First of all, good humor is a good thing to have. You don't have to be funny yourself, just understand and parallel yourself with my jokes. A good laugh is a great thing to posess, and if you haven't noticed, you can get away with a lot of stuff if you have good humor about things.

You know how people talk about being unique and liking someone because they're...different? Well, different isn't hard to be, and it's a turn off when people call themselves on it. In all actuality, calling yourself out to be something is a turnoff all its own, unless you're hella sick and you're just that raw. For example, if you say "oh shiznit im the shit cus i do this, this, and that!" then it's not cool. You gots to go!

It's just that I don't believe in making an effort in going against the grain, just for the sake of going against the grain. If something is cool then it's cool, regardless if it's a popular trend or not. True individuality is effortless.

What also attracts me towards people is if they know a lot about alot, is what I call it, meaning that they have either been well traveled, goes out alot maybe and knows good places to shop/eat at, knows movies and music, youtubes, etc. The way you can spot these kinds of people is where you can be talking about something, and they'll overhear and add input and laugh with you. Being updated and keeping in the know is a good way to be resourceful to people.

Confidence is actually very cool. Although there is a difference between being that and being a cocky asshole/ignorant/whack/annoying. Sometimes I get enjoyment out of hearing someone say something really bold, then thinking to myself "Damn! They really just said that!" I say that all the time about the Alex, Alexis, and Justin. Probably why I am always with them. To hear a girl say something audacious is something to see.

Too much of something is ALWAYS a bad thing. I like diverse people. No, not Indians and Ethiopians-- people who can be serious when it comes to it, but still fun and easygoing at other times. Too much of anything-- too much of a goody-good, or too much drugs/alcohol, too much sex, too much studying, too much worrying, too much is too much!

There are also other things that attract or repel me, but I dont like to rabble on. These are the things that I find dope, according to me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bear with me.

Little by little, its starting to hit me that I am a Golden Bear, I am going to Cal, I got accepted by the #1 public university in the nation, and I am going to a school with one of the top ten educations in the world. Wooooow.

It was good going to the Chancellor's meeting and seeing the passion in everyone there. I felt pretty good about the whole atmosphere and vibe, knowing that there are knowledgable people who want to help you, lively students who are willing to help, just very upbeat, striving individuals at berkeley.

Saturday will be fun. Gotta get through Friday first haha

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Steez.

Biking. Road bikes. Biking at the waterfront. I might bike to school on wednesday.

I seriously believe I can do anything if I put my mind to it. It's a liberating feeling. One day that attitude might change, and it's something I fear, like when I'm old and settled down. But eventually I might wish it to change and might feel ready to be settled down.

The thing I find about love is that it's not about being soulmates or fit for each other-- it's all about whether you are willing to love that person for who they are or not. Two totally different people-- rock/pop, rap/emo, white/black, muslim/christian, can work simply because they wish it so and they put in the time for it to work. I think it's more attitude than anything. It can all be a failed relationship if you say "well this person isn't compatible because of our different interests, we're different people." I think it's what you make it that counts, same can be said for a lot of other things in life.

Some people are stopped because they realize they are different people, which I understand too. That's just simply selecting because of what you value as a person. I don't blame the smart nerd who dumps their high school drop out girlfriend-- different people, thats fine. But does it necessarily mean that it couldnt have worked out at all? No.

Love is a choice, folks. Someone can be really good to you, but you straight up won't love them. But eventually you can fall in love with maybe a totally messed up person that doesnt seem to make sense or who doesnt "fit" with you, in the eyes of other people. That happens simply because you decided to love that person, and not the nice guy/girl. It happens all the time.

Does it make you a fucked up person? NO! You choose who to love, not anyone else. And as much as it may seem messed up to others around you because of your choices, as long as it's true to you, it is not wrong. People will say that it is not right, but people will eventually understand that its on you, you live your life, not them.

With that said, I pray I won't ever fall into that predicament of choosing the wrong person. I hope I am not blinded by false temptations for some girl who i think wants to be with me, when she will choose not to love me for me.

thinking about all that i just said...i feel like what im trying to say is that I'm scared of putting myself out there, feeling really confident, and getting hurt. I'm scared shitless.

I'm not really particular with love. There is not a long list of requirements for me, I just want someone who's down for me and makes me sure of it.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Musiq - Someone

I never wanted a woman that wanted
Me for my name or material things
See I always hope for a woman
that´s so sure, emotionally secure
With spiritual faith
A woman that I can trust with all of my secrets
And even listen to all of my issues
A woman who never judge
Me or how I was
She deals with me strictly through love

Someone who will put up with the things
Loving me can bring
But still be there to see us through
Someone who would put up
With the strange and complicated things
Cause I would do the same for her too
Someone who I can be real with
ain´t gotta be perfect
Because loving one another is all that matters
it´s not hard to explain
So believe me when I say
That I found all of that in you

All that I hope for a friendship that´s so pure
A girl I can talk to bout
whatever is on my heart
A woman that needs me
That trust and believes me
That wont take my kindness as
some kind of weakness
A woman who bares her soul who
is willing to let go
That wants me to lead her but
knows how to take control
And when I am feeling down
Cause things are going wrong
She fills me up and makes me feel strong


You are that someone who loves me
Through all my inperfections
You know my heart is filled with
nothing but good intentions
You are the one that told me
Long as we got us
Nothing matters
You are the one that sees the
joy through the pain
You are my light through the rain
Here and now
Girl I am saying it´s you
you´re my heart it´s you
Your that someone I can truly
say that I´ll never find
another love like you

[Repeat Chorus Til End]

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Current Events.

To fill you in on what's been happening lately:

1. I am lead role in Vallejo High's spring musical, "Two by Two". It is a play about Noah and the Ark, in which God talks to me and orders myself and my family to build an ark for two of each animal and creature to carry over after 40 days and 40 nights of rain. It's pretty funny to me, and I have a whole bunch of lines to memorize, but its okay. I think it'll be 10x funnier than last year's.

2. Just got my tux for prom. Simple, basic, black tuxedo with red vest and bowtie, and white shirt. Patent leather shoes. I also saw Alexis at Men's Wearhouse too. Small world, right?

3. Speaking of Prom, it is in 9 days.

4. The day after prom is my Cal-day field trip! I have to get to school by 8:00 am. Boo. But I feel this field trip will be worthwhile, I'll be able to see alot of the campus that day, meet a lot of current students and talk to them about their experiences, and get the overall vibe of the University. I'm gonna love college.

5. AP Tests are coming up! I am currently in the process of preparing for both the Physics and Calculus exam. I'm hoping and praying to pass the Physics especially!

I really feel the higher level of maturity kicking in nowadays. Which is odd, because I remember even less than a year ago feeling very unpolished and raw, student-wise and as a young man. I'm starting to feel like a young adult, as odd as that sounds. I think it is expressed inside and out, from my speech and being able to hold conversation with teachers and adults, the vocabulary I use, to being able to go to the bank and make a payment myself, to even my clothes. I used to be the high flying, radical, Nike lovin' Air Salgado. Now I'm more composed, collected, vans-wearing, Heritage-shopping, Berkeley-going Earnest.

There are some days where I have regressions though. I still love Nike haha

School is coming to an end. I know a lot of people who want to just get it over with as quick as possible, but I feel pretty much the same about everything I go through, and school is not an exception. I try to get the most out of everything, make the best of everything, and do all I can in everything. People who know me best know that that's what I've been doing since day 1, since the first day of my freshman year. I just don't buy into all the myths, all the talk about "Senioritis" or how bad VHS is. I..."just do it"...really, things aren't so bad if you don't focus on the downsides, and that's how I feel about everything in life.

The way I live my life is in such a way where I am very thorough with EVERYTHING: I try to leave no stone unturned, when it is time to work, I work hard. When it is time to laugh, I laugh hard. It is this extreme focus on the moment that is key; so as I progress through, I will get the feeling of completeness; and I will have peace with the situation. I think it's the reason why I rarely say "Damn, I miss the times when blah blah blah." I know I got the most out of it when it was right here in front of me, and that's how I treat every day, every moment, everything I involve myself in. Yeah, there are times when I miss things, I am human, but for the most part I am okay with things.

Keeping the right attitude is what's important. It's what's led me to my successes, and I feel if I continue to keep feeling the same about life, the possibilities are endless. With it I feel I can do anything I wish, get through Berkeley, get a good amount of money that people want so much, get a nice house, new Mercedes, stuff like that.

I mean yeah, I do tend to drone on and lecture from time to time about these things, but it's what I do, baby. I'm a born leader, its almost natural to feel the need to tell people what they need to hear. It's almost like I feel it is my obligation to others, to share my values. I mean, what good is it to be a high character, good person; believe in all these good virtues, but not articulate it to others as best you can?

But I'll tell you what, it's not easy being me, though. Even though I put out this vibe about me that I am very in-control with everything, I do have weaknesses. I guess that's for another blog one day haha

Monday, April 6, 2009

You know my name, you've seen my work...

Here is list of my completed assignments during our Spring Break:

Cornell Notes:

Unit 14 -
(Ch. 14 (14.7 - 14.9) was previously done before break)
Ch. 22 (22.1 - 22.7)
Ch. 27 (27.1 - 27.2)

Unit 15 -
Ch. 26

Unit 16 -
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32

Unit 19 -
Ch. 22 (22.4 - 22.5)
Ch. 24 (24.0 - 24.8)
Ch. 27
Ch. 28

Unit 20 -
Ch. 22 (22.1, 22.3, 22.5, 22.6)
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25

Unit 21 -
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 21
Ch. 29 (29.6 - 29.7)

Concept Development Pg. 103 - 116, 123 - 127, 129, 130 - 132
Hickman Pg. 183 - 184, 209 - 230

Online Practice Questions Ch. 18, 19, 21, 22, 23

Blue Sheets Units 19, 20, 21, 15, 16

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dear Rachel.

Hi, my name is Earnest Salgado and I've been a friend of Rachel's since 9th grade. She was often in many of my classes, and I recall spending part of the passing period before Ms. William's Geography class sitting on her desk, making her laugh (or trying to) while she played solitaire on her white ipod nano. It was funny because she would always give me this look like 0_o ... and then continue to play. Looking back on it now, she's probably given everyone else including myself that same look a thousand times.

We would get more acquainted with each other in 10th grade, where we would all sit at the same tables at lunch, those tables near the library and behind the english building. Those days are in the past now, but I will always cherish the days when people like carl, natalia, korvel, hannah, angel, lily, miguel, casey, abi, occasionally alex, alexis, and justin, (wassup joes) rachel, and myself would sit down with our respective lunches, mooch, laugh, and enjoy each others company. I'll never forget the times where you would let me finish your burrito, or the times where we would try to fit EVERYONE into a single table, and on a good day we did. I wouldn't know all you guys if it weren't for those lunch periods together, thanks.

Eventually people grow into their own self, people individualize and grow apart, and thats what everyone did, including rachel. Rachel's worked hard to become the person she is today, to be where she is with her life now. I always will admire how she always did her own thing-- she made her decisions based on what is important to her, even if it is untraditional and crazy. But sometimes crazy is what normal people label the extraordinary.

Okay, I've taken up enough time, I'd just like to say Happy Birthday again to Rachel Aguarin and I hope you have many many more, Thank you