Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Resolutions.

For me, last year was the bomb. I lived life fast. There were a lot of times I just let go of shit and went with everything. Shit was fun, man, shit was fun...

But me always looking on ways to improve on things, I relflect back and come up with resolutions for the new year in order to try and one up the previous one. And that means, to me, simplifying my lifestyle while still continuing to have as much fun as possible.

2010 will consist a lot of spending time with jorelle, playing basketball, studying, and chilling. Simple yet captivating.

Fuck unnecessary stuff like "volunteering my time". I have volunteered my time enough in the past four or five years to many clubs and organizations and institutions. This year, I'm going to give it the big F-U-C-K-T-H-A-T. As I get older, my time is getting precious and I need to utilize it for shit that is important to me. I need to stop giving my time up to "good causes" that I feel is worth dedicating myself to. Yes, life's been fun and I've had so many great experiences, and I wouldn't be the person I am today without them, but the path of life turns. However I don't like limitations or boundaries in life, and therefore will never rule this part of life out, but as of now I'm somewhere else.

I think if I dedicate myself to doing those four things, I will be a happier man. I mean, I love my girlfriend, I love basketball, I love studying, and I love chilling. If I'm spending all my time doing things I love, then life's great!

So that's that for the main resolutions. Here are a few subordinate resolutions that are picking at my brain:

BREAK NECKS. In a fashion sense, bring back the Jordans! Everybody today is on that chill, casual, relaxed look. That means Vans, Nike SB's, and Keds all day. No disrespect to any of those cuz I wear them, but I'm taking a stand for myself to conform a little less and break necks a little more. That means, wear the type of shit that makes people look DOWN! For me, less SB's and Vans, and more Jordans.

Catch up on a lot of good movies I missed out on, old or new. Expand my list of what I've seen in general.

Eat more vegetables and consume more milk

Buy more hats. Haha.

Spend more time with my God daughters


Expand my basketball game even more!

Theres always new shit I want to try out or new things to see. You can't always list everything. But I know the most memorable things that are going to happen can't ever be listed beforehand, that's what makes life great.

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