Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I love my girlfriend to pieces. She gives me the greatest happiness. There's times where I don't really want to leave her side or be apart, but then I understand that everything is about balance, there is a such thing as healthy space. She's the bomb, the leading lady in my life. She lights up my world, she rocks my socks. She makes me smile, makes me happy, makes me want to be a better man really. The sky is the limit. Like, I really love her for her. I can't really explain it in words, but I love her everything. Every single thing about her I love. The way she acts, the way she looks, everything and every part about her. Even like, if she had any negative conceptions about her or her image, things she doesn't like about herself physically or something, I love it. I love her laugh, I love her voice, her singing, her guitar playing, her hair, her scent, her hands, feet, toes, legs, soft skin, face, lips, eyes, glasses, opinion, humor, stealo, personality... everything. And I really think she's the most beautiful young woman I've met at berkeley. And she's my girlfriend!!! Fuck I'm lucky.

Classes start tomorrow and I'm not in the state of mind yet. I'm in vacation mode still. I been thinking about spring break already. Does this show a lack of concentration? Haha naw, but I'll concentrate when something's given for me to.

One thing I look at every day when I'm at berkeley is a picture of my family on my desk. I know how much they love and support me, how big of a help they are to me. I can't let them down. Honestly they provide my motivation, my family. I was sitting down earlier thinking about my grandparents too, and how much they loved me and help me get this far. I think about this kind of shit, like who got me here. I'll make you guys proud.

I'm still itching to play some basketball. I bought a new one yesterday, and I'm gonna sleep with it. I'm either gonna be sleeping with that or my girlfriend. I really love basketball, and I'm gonna play my ass off, like I might go shoot hoops in the morning. I dunno. I'm just happy I have a ball now and I can go. Basketball is what got me into shoes, into Nike, Jordans, all that shit. I wouldn't be the same person if I didn't find basketball.

Kay, goodnight


Natalie Connolly said...

Hey! I love your blog. You're a fantastic writer. Don't be discouraged that no one is reading your blog. Hey, I'm in the same boat. :) Visit my blog!

sushifiend said...

Yeah dude, she's coo.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm... nice blog.. your girlfriend are lucky to be loved by you...