Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dear Blogspot.

I know, I've been gone. Forgive me, but I was just living my life. But at least I'm back one final time before the new year.

Ever since my last post, a whole bunch of shit happened to me. The whole ordeal with Lily was deteriorating. It was mid October and the feeling of wanting to completely have no strings attached to anyone was overbearing. She would call me everyday, almost at a nuisance rate, calling to come visit or for me to hop on BART to get there to daly city. I wasn't having it, obviously. The academic rigor was picking up, and I wanted to dedicate myself more to studying. With all the time I spent doing intern PAA stuff, I felt spread a little to thin. I told her I wanted out completely. It wasn't so hard, being that we both had this unspoken understanding that us as friends with benefits was eventually going to stop, and that it wasn't going to end pretty. Yeah, she had that week afterwards where she was kinda devastated, but after that she honestly seemed fine. To be frank, I feel she's real happy now. She's been talking to like four, five guys ever since, probably simultaneously, and I think she's having serious feelings with some guy named Danny. Go figure, haha. I'm happy for her forreals. I've never really asked for any closure or anything, and she always goes on about how even though we don't talk anymore, she still wants me a part of her life and she wants to be good friends with me, because you don't just throw three years of a relationship and five years of a friendship away. I've always made an effort to be on good terms with all of my ex's, so I'm down. But it's not like I'm gonna be at her door asking to hang out. If it happens it happens.

Then Halloween Eve happened.

Ever since then, my world's been turned upside down, haha. This quirky girl with round thick rimmed glasses, Tom's shoes, hella good Daisy fragrance, whom I was unusually attracted to, was to blame. I remember seeing her alot that week. Steve Aoki performance with her at lower sproul was the shit. Studying at Moffitt was...studying haha but it was better with her around. Then by chance she asked me to come along with her floor to some frats friday night. Thank God I said yes haha. And like, ever since that night we basically saw each other every, single, day.

I always talk about like how it was hella by chance. Like, what if she never sat next to me that day she got in the class? What if I transferred out of that class I didn't need? What were the odds that I would meet my next girlfriend in Marine Mammals lecture? What were the odds that she would hail from downtown Los Angeles, six hours and three hundred miles away? Going to sleep all of those nights over summer wondering where in the hell would I find that next person, I would've never guessed haha, but I'm sure as hell glad it did happen.

Looking back at 2009, I had my many downs, but I had my ups as well. The first half of the year was bleak, at times manageable, but plenty of times downright shitty. I remember feeling like life was passing by slowly, and I didn't have much to live for at the time. I knew college was coming up, but it seemed so far away. Life at times was shit, like I was living in shit. All I really had was myself and my drive to do well on the AP tests, and to finish strong with the grades. All the other seniors were slacking off, I never experienced Senioritis. I missed the Senior trips. Gradnite was fun but coulda been greater. And then I graduated.

That event marked many new beginnings for me, and I ran with it. I lived a summer out enjoying the bay area sunshine and scenery, shopping, playing with my dogs, and making lasting memories with best friends. I got through a fall semester at the BEST college in the world, UC Berkeley, filled with knowledge, new friends, first time experiences, good vibes, and even a girlfriend!

The best part of the year, the best part about life, is the memories and experiences made.

But 2010 is upon us, and as I always say, each year gets better.

1 comment:

sushifiend said...

I'm glad things are well with you & that you're enjoying life as it comes. Yay for the future gf :]