Thursday, April 28, 2011

For Old Time's Sake.

Hey Blogspot! It's been a long time haha. I've changed since then, yes. But who doesn't change in a year?

I was reading a few of these old posts on here, just to have a quick glimpse into who I was before, and how I've grown, built upon, or strayed from these thoughts and opinions. Very many of the things I shared I can still stand by today; while a handful of things are so different in terms of how I feel about it now. I am heavy on the Twitter now and very much favor it over facebook, (@eaarnest is the name, follow me!) but I still don't use Tumblr. I still am on Facebook, but nowadays its for more practical uses such as finding out when events are or what's happening in my friends' lives. Just for the sake of keeping that line of contact with people I usually wouldn't keep tabs on, I'd probably never delete my facebook. But for my feelings, perspectives, and more pure amusement I turn to twitter (or snooping around other people's tumblrs. Check out my ninja Andrew Beltran's tumblr cuz it's the shit!) Twitter is like, very liberating for me. I can post whatever I want to say, more or less. And having a following is pretty intriguing too because it's not just like a "friendship", it's like a person taking the initiative to know what you say and really caring how you feel. Twitter's workin for me in all the right ways now haha, and its weird since I used to be so anti-twitter. Well fuuuuck all that haha.

School's chill, I've changed my major like three times already. But I'm content with how school is going and what I am taking out of the experience. It's just that it's going so damn fast! Like slow the hell down haha, I'm already going to be a third year in the fall T_T YIKES. At this point I still don't regret coming to Berkeley at all. At all. I am happy with the person I am, the lessons I've learned being in the Berkeley environment about myself and others, and just all the great times I have. I'm thankful for it all.

And I love my girlfriend very very much. It's at a point where I know forreals I have and we have something good together. It's a beautiful thing. She's a beautiful thing haha. I'm just playin she's not a thing

I'm just going to jot down things on my mind now haha.

Joes is the fuckin same, aint shit changed. They are my brothers for life and some of the few people who really know and understand me. When's the next time brufuhs? hahah

Still, FUCK being politically correct haha. I'm loose and I'll prolly always be loose, as in I don't feel the need to ALWAYS be proper with my shit. Like forreals, ain't no Utopia happening around here, nigga haha.

My current opinion about Hip-Hop: Sometimes it's hella annoying when people say "I only listen to that good hip hop, or that positive hip hop" and then on top of that, want to put down rappers like Wiz or Lil B for being who they are. Honestly, fuck y'all haha. Hip hop and rap's always gonna have that "edge" where its offensive; it's one of the things I love about hip hop. Of course they're gonna talk about drugs, women, money, and violence. The artist is just expressing themselves. It's on the listener to make their own decisions. If you're gna be soft listen to something else. Or rap and make it yourself and make the "positive" music you speak of you pansy.

More later? Haha goodnight

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