Thursday, February 4, 2010


I just don't like it when people pass judgment on others on insufficient information. I don't like it when people throw their emotions at people when they have been in the wrong; I feel like people should find fault from within and work from the inside out. I don't like it when people inundate others with the sympathy card. I don't like it when people harass and bully others into things. I don't like douche bags.

I go to UC Berkeley. I work hard in school. I don't like to put up with bullshit from other people. I'm at a point in my life where I prioritize in a fashion that sets up my future best. I don't believe in "Oh, its cool I didn't make it as something, I had fun along the way." Fuck that. Have both. Have it all.

There are people that disagree with how I live my life. I think that they have too much free time on their hands and too much idle mind space to worry about me and mine. I do favors thanklessly, I don't even look for credit. But when I am the subject of negative judgment, then it's not cool. When it comes down to it, the burning question is "Are you helping me build my future and helping me succeed? Is spending time with you going to help me succeed?"

Who helps me? My parents. My sister. My girlfriend. My few but close friends.

It's whatever, man. I'm driven. Most the time I put up this chill, funny outlook. But on the inside I'm an assassin coming for the top spot, bringing only those important to me along with me. Yeah, there's other ways to live life. But I won't complain when I get to where I'm going, and enjoy my fruits of labor.

On a softer, kinder note:

My girlfriend is the best, hands down. I spend enormous amounts of time with her, but as good times roll the hours pass by quickly. I mean like, I've always been a fan of dedication, consistency, love, and passion for things, but she's like the one thing in this world that makes me want to embody these things. I thoroughly enjoy saying to myself, "I like being dedicated to my girlfriend." I think loyal and dedicated are different. Being loyal to me means that you will not cheat on a person; dedicating yourself to someone means that and more. Dedication means to stick with them through tough and fun times, to not flee or stray when there is an issue at hand. Dedication means to keep yourself focused on that relationship, so it goes much deeper than ensuring that you won't be dishonest. It says you are willing to work on "us" in better or in worse. With that said, I'm dedicated to the things I love.

We know so much about each other, but there is tons and tons more left to know. It'd be cool to get to hear all of her. See all her perspective. See all her world. She amazes me everyday with things she does.

I think I'm a really simple person who still believes in very basic but important morals and values, but at the same time I think it works.

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