Sunday, February 1, 2009

Embrace my flaws, Know my worth!

Halfway into the third quarter, I continue to go along my path with a good idea of how to go about things, but knowing that compared to those like me outside of my current educational institute, I am far from polished. And really it's natural to feel that way. Being a senior in their second semester, your mind starts to shift towards the outer world, other places, better schools. Yes, maybe what I do now can get me A's at Vallejo High School, but things are in much jeopardy if I continue like this at the collegiate level.

What I do understand as my strengths is this five part list:

1. My imagination. It's going a million miles a minute, it's crucial when physics problems require essential assumptions to solve them, in labns, and it is my secret weapon. I believe this alone separates the "fires" from the "buckets".

2. My Ability to be crafty. Whether it is typing up notes instead of writing, utilizing technology, coming early for tests and labs, and plainly just recognizing what I need to focus on in each unit is a great strength of mine. Common sense is very handy, and it stabilizes imagination.

3. My Awareness. I am very much in tune with what Tillay says in class, I take them to heart and integrate and apply them as best I can. I don't know if people are engaged like I am, but I know I am locked in and it is very beneficial to my success as a fiziks student.

4. My Problem solving skills. I am always one of the people up doing problems at the board, plus I enjoy fiziks word problems x10000 better than Calculus problems, ANY

5. My passion. I have never been so interested and excited about a school subject than how I am with Physics. It really is the highlight of my day. The rest of the schoolday consists of menial work, pointless work, and work I'll never be able to apply to my life. Such as, how does analyzing the sameness between two lines on a graph by using their derivatives, apply to my life?

Now with my strengths recognized, lets venture in about my Weaknesses:
1. Inertia. I'm like a car that takes a few tries to start, but once I start I'm good. I must work on getting myself to start, and start now. I must be able to live with perpetual urgency.

2. The mystery of young women. I said it before, and I'll say it again. I'll never understand girls. If I have a problem concerning them, I just feel all crappy about myself and everything else and I just don't feel up for anything. I must remember that time worrying is time wasted, and that there's some things in life that work themselves out.

3. Math skills. I'm far from a math person, I just don't understand the connection of why are we finding a purely numerical answer, and when will knowing how to find convergence or divergence of something will ever pop up in my life. I'm bright enough to get grades as high as math people, though. haha

4. Time management. Most students deal with this very problem, everyone has been stricken by the slacker bug at some point. I need to be more organized with planning out the minutes of the day, and not to procrastinate.

5. My "Squeeze-and-release" tendency. During the school week I put in effort, sometimes not even getting good sleep. This sets me up for a very unproductive weekend because I am trying to recover from the past week. I must learn to pace myself and my energy in order to maintain myself and not crash every friday and saturday.

Right now in my life it is not a matter of success in high school. It is a matter of forming a routine and self-culture that will succeed in college. This, like learning, is a process, not a destination. There will always be things you can add to better yourself, always.

But it all starts with being honest with yourself, embracing your flaws, and knowing your worth.


dt said...

Habits are hard, and for some folks, impossible to break! So, make sure that the habits you take-on are ones you want to keep.

Big E, you have a ton of potential energy and are nearing about a half ton of Kinetic! If you want the inquiring mind and satisfaction that discovery brings, you are on the right road!

Thank you for your thoughtful essay!

Wishing you success in just being contented with yourself and not putting too much pressure on yourself to find the "woman of your dreams...too soon!" Ha!

Mr. T

Roselle said...

"the mystery of young woman.." halla sika ha.. lol.

i hope you become one hell of a physisissisis. however you call it. :] good luck bro, you can do it!