Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, New Goals

Hello world. The past year is done, a new one is upon us. I always believed that each year gets better, and 2008 lived up to that in some parts, but at the same time it was not what I expected. I hope for a better upcoming year, starting off with a few goals of mine:
  • Pray to God for growth spurts, grow two inches and get up to 155 pounds. Beasty. Nothing like some good exercise and basketball!
  • Strive for A's in every class I'm in this year, including my 2nd semester high school classes, going into 1st semester college classes. I might not get there, but I'm striving...
  • Pass the AP Fiziks exam. Ready, set, go.
  • Read, a whole lot more. 
  • Find more new hobbies. I enjoy movie-watching now, haha
  • Road Trip to LA this year
  • Spend extended time in the San Francisco Area
  • Improve study habits greatly
  • Fill up my ipod
  • Of course, graduate high school
There's many more, I just probably don't have them in mind right now. But I'll add them as they come to me. 

Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

sushifiend said...

If only I could have a growth spurt. I'd like to reach at least the 5 feet mark, haha.