Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Put On

I, Earnest Salgado, firmly believes that I deserve a 6++ because I put in the most time from day one, and it has shows in my work and everything I do for my AP Fiziks class.


I treat homework very seriously, and it shows in the time and effort that i record in my time log. I obsessively check group fusion for updates and reminders of homework assignments. Fiziks homework is what I do first every night, or at least the thing i understand most every night. I email Tillay for help, and I am not afraid to ask questions. All homework assignments have been done elecronically and sent via email, almost always sent the night it has been assigned. Most importantly, I understand what I am doing and I never BS a problem or assignment. This all comes with putting in extra time to grasp things, not just to get things through.


I correct my homework files with the "track changes" tool on microsoft word 2007. It writes in red underlined font, and whenever we go through problems in class, I use this tool to write down what Mr. Tillay says to better improve my work for next time. I constantly type notes when Mr. Tillay is speaking because I have learned that there is much value to what he says, and if you miss something, you arent as fortunate. I also make a point to implement the corrections he says in class into my work. For example, when he reviewed problems and reminded us about the problem solving format in Fiziks, I immediately started using it that very night. I also believe in trying because being wrong is not a bad thing, only another opportunity to learn things in a new way

Class Participation

I make a conscious effort to be respectful and courteous not only in first period, but throughout my day, and daily activities. Everyday I have my badge on, and I greet Mr. Tillay with a smile. After that I get into my learning mode because its time for business. You cant waste time in class because it is only a 57 minute period, and time is against us with such a rigorous course. Although there has been many an occasion when I make Big T laugh. Besides that, I pay close attention to everything that is written on the board, and especially to the things Tillay says. I type away so I wont miss it.

I am never afraid to ask, and questions come naturally when you are paying close attention. I come up to the board frequently and masterfully do my thing up there. Keeping my area clean is easy since all i have to do is lean back and throw things into the garbage. I push in my seat at the end of class. Many days I can be found in at lunch or 5th period either working on assignments, and I always look for a little input from Tillay before leaving.

21st Century Skills

The internet access in my home is Comcast, and I have a desktop pc and laptop, which means my internet capabilities are wireless. I'm not sure what the AUP form is...and I havent used the classroom computers yet. I've only used my laptop up until this point. I do have a USB, and it is currently in Tillay's possession. On my USB are all my folders made up for the class, and I try to update it so the work I do is on the USB as well. I like my seat in class-- seat A1, at table 1. I like that. I go on fusion each day to remind myself of what to do, and what is due. Sometimes fusion can be faulty, but we must live with it. I do look forward in the calendar and backwards in the calendar, and sometimes i venture into the section files now and then. I send ALL homework assignments electronically, and I have done the Respect and Courtesy essay for extra credit. Other than that, I havent done much extra credit. I've been working on maximizing on the credit credit. But I do need to improve on the extra credit part.


I never stress about Tillay assessments, quizzes, or exams because I know that effort shows through, and mastery is clear when you've honestly put in the time. All quizzes I've taken I feel confident about up until this point, and even if I dont score so high there is a lesson to be learned in it. To score better on these tests, it is always key to read directions carefully and to keep track of time. But nothing can substitute for putting in time to master the information.

Notebook & Materials

The notebook is the most questionable aspect to me in Fiziks. There are some handouts i cannot sort into which divider it goes into, but I know where things are, and I keep my notebook manageable. It will never get to a point where it becomes a forest of papers, and it gets impossible to search through. I am on point with materials, I must say. I bring my materials daily, just in case. But i still havent used my protractor! =[


I have not been absent or tardy to an AP Fiziks class yet, but the VERY first day of school Mr. Cartwright had leadership miss their very first class of the year! He promised us it would be marked excused, but what a stretch for students to miss part of their first day of school! Other than that, I have been on time and ready to learn everyday. Although I am ASB President, I separate my duties from my academics, which i feel is important to do so. I feel it is disrespectful to not organize your time well enough to be doing leadership activities during a class. Education is always first for me, no matter my responsibilities. I am aware of the 3% extra credit, and what to do when I am tardy.


I really feel like I deserve a 6++. I told my classmates I was serious and they laughed. It is one thing to feel like you deserved a 6, it takes another to actually feel like you earned a 6++. I feel like I've done enough to earn that grade because time and time again I show up with the goods and deliver for you, Mr. Tillay. I take everything you say to heart and remember them well and implement them into what I do in order to get better as a student. I've put in the most honest time for your class, spending hours just sitting there solving problems. I can actually say that I competed ALL of the summer homework, honestly. I help out my classmates whenever I can by comparing work and helping them solve through problems, and i love to work together. Some people in class I feel like they try to hold out on me, even if I help them, but thats okay. As long as everyone gets the point, I feel satisfied. Everytime I go up to the board for boardwork I masterfully solve the problem, and I am passionate about solving it. It's almost a competition to me. I know I haven't done everything perfectly but thats not anywhere close as to why I feel like I deserve such a high grade. It's because of my intense dedication to the course and the passion I have for learning physics that I show each and every day. Not only do I do the assignments, but I UNDERSTAND them. I grind through and the results show. I put on.


dt said...

You do deserve a 6+.

Thank you for being a "student" in the true meaning of the word.

Now, become a facilitator.

Share with others your passion for learning...understanding is a process not a destination. Share the pictures so others may also discover where you have been.

Mr. T

sushifiend said...

...and you uphold that swag even in your blogs for Fiziks.


dt said...

Big E, I believe in destiny! Certain people come into our lives for a purpose.

Today, a young lady came back to chat a bit with me about how much a little 9th grade project and the daily copy and comments made in her life. It wasn't the grand lectures, the demonstrations, or challenging quiz and test problems that made her believe and reach something that seemed like the impossible dream...

You need to use your considerable talents for more than your understanding and profit. The result of sharing is SATISFACTION that cannot be gained in any other way!

Use the Force, Big E!
