Monday, October 13, 2008

Cleaning Out My Closet

Boyee! Air Salgado has returned, and he believe that he has worked as much of his butt off as sanely possible to earn him an A in AP Fiziks. This is because while being in a bit of a funk in life, despite being in a bit of an ebb workwise because of it, his resilience to continue to Put On still reigns supreme in the land. 

1. CORNELL NOTES for Chapters 1 through 5.   6 5 4 3 2 1

All chapters covered and cornelled, each of them done electronically, very neat, concise notes.

2. COMPUTER Notes/Tutorials Units 1 through 4 6 5 4 3 2 1

Computer Notes also completed, Tutorials well appreciated, cementing my knowledge of the subject matter

3. FUSION WEBSITE USE – Calendar, Section Files & Links 6 5 4 3 2 1

I check this site 2-5 times a day. I spend saturday afternoons digging in the section links, trying to sponge up whatever I can about my relative future. Very useful site, when it is acting right.

4. TEXTBOOK Chapters 1 through 5 Questions 6 5 4 3 2 1

The questions are one of my favorite parts of the chapter! They ask for theoretical thinking, something I really go to town on. I get these done with joy.


The only time I used it was during summer. I still remember a lot of the content from it. Slaving away and really doing all those pages of problems are paying off now.


I've yet to open it. My apologies, I've just taken different paths during studying, and it would be wise to implement Hickman.

7. BOYLE WORKBOOK USE 6 5 4 3 2 1

Haven't opened this up either. I will.

8. PHYZ GUIDES Reading and Highlighting 6 5 4 3 2 1

I read them, I highlight them, but honestly, these haven't help me. I can try to read them again, but the information doesn't stick in my mind after doing so.

9. TILLAY PROBLEM-SOLVING HANDOUT completion 6 5 4 3 2 1

I understand the handout in class, but when I am at home studying or trying to do the problem, all of the work and fill in the blanks in the problem seem to befuddle me. I feel I grasped it better when you gave quick hints as the bell rang and I used my own brainpower to struggle and triumph.

10. BOARDWORK for Points – at least once a week required 6 5 4 3 2 1

I give the Board the business every time I come up to it. Ask the board, he knows...

11. CLASS NOTES – taken from lectures and problem-solving 6 5 4 3 2 1

I enjoy when you go over problems with the class, because you reveal little things here and there that make a substantial difference in my growth as a PSver. I like to ask questions that are burning.

12. VIDEO NOTES – taken carefully, reviewed, & highlighted 6 5 4 3 2 1

All for the exception of one video notes, which i was present but was not in the right mode to take notes, I have completed. I listen intently during the video, and understand the main idea the video is trying to get across, but I have yet to highlight my video notes.

13. LABS – all seven completed, electronically completed 6 5 4 3 2 1

Labs 1-5 are all good and down pat, but lab's 14 and 18 of the last frenzy of a few weeks ago are still a work in progress. There is an explanation, due to certain circumstances that my partner in Fiziks crime, Johann, is in. 


The questions get completed with an average of 70% accuracy.

15. ONLINE GIANCOLI PRACTICE PROBLEMS – all done 6 5 4+ 3 2 1

All Practice Problems complete except for Chapter 4, but problems get done with a batting average of .500 right! That seems pretty swell

16. MATERIALS – brought to class every day 6 5 4 3 2 1

All materials come to class everyday, but maybe sometimes the laptop stays at home.

17. ATTENDANCE – on-time every day! 6 5 4 3 2 1

I am on time, ready to go, with a bright and smiling face, flashing the plastic, and hardly ever absent, if ever.
18. NOTEBOOK – everything organized, used effectively 6 5 4 3 2 1

It's been only a quarter and my 3-inch notebook looks 40% full...

19. QUIZ – see Mr. T for your average for Units 0 to 4 6 5- 4 3 2 1

20. GRADE EARNED for the first quarter 6 5+ 4 3 2 1

21. DESCRIBE why YOU earned the grade listed for #20. GIVE SPECIFIC Signs of
Excellence…look at how you answer the questions above it!

Honestly after my 6+ I really tried to turn my weaknesses into strengths. I already knew during the summer I had it in me to be an A+ Fiziks student, and seeing that Mr. T acknowledged it early, it was almost a monkey off my back, which made me able to concentrate on my work and my "weaknesses" rather than my grade from now on. 

There was a conversation I had with Johann right after self evaluations..saying that I honestly would trade my 6+ for everyone in the class to have A's. I also addressed how I felt about individuals in the class, saying that they want to get theirs first and then help out and work together when there's and extra opportunity...this is not the way, folks. 

Togetherness is how we will get ours, and I've been trying to work on being a "facilitator and motivator" more. I saw the "satisfaction" manifest in the self-balancing system, when I helped Mary build her first model. When she jumped for joy yelling out in triumph, my spirit was jumping right with her. I try to ask the burning question that benefits everyone during lecture, for example when I asked "How can I go from my assumptions, and transfer that to knowing which problem to use?" In the rare moments that Mona is up doing board work, I was there to chug her along. It really does feel good to help people reach new heights.

Maybe its not an ebb I'm in, but more of a step down to prepare to learn in a whole different way. Maybe I want a different 6+, that stands for academic values totally contrasting to the 6+ I earned for hard individual labor. But for now I take the 5+. 


I am a thinker. I think my own approach to any and all problems is a strength in its own right. 

My ability to utilize the teacher as a great resource is also a strength. I wouldn't be doing as well without those countless emails and chats in and out of class time. 

My diligence through frustration and ability to be a good teammate are my best attributes. I show I am good individually, but what's more important is that I cooperate and never try to overtake anyone in a group. Sure if I was ever separated from Johann's group I'd obviously take on a different role relative to my new group, but I like how I can seem fit to the current situation, where Johann will want her perfection going on, and I am there every step of the way with her.

My need for improvement is just learning how to cope with life as it overwhelms me at times, and how to persevere and stay at an optimum level as a student while still keeping sane. I know there has been times where Life gives me haymakers and uppercuts, and it makes me not able to concentrate on anything but the current dilemma, but I need to learn to deal. I am on the destination towards that.

My areas of improvement, don't involve physics! It involves Calculus BC, honestly. And I am also trying to correct that area as well. That might take away some concentration away from Physics, but it doesn't take a make over in study habits to correct this, just a tinker. No worries on my part.

23. WRITE your own DEFINITION of PHYSICS based on your knowledge to date.

Physics is a new way of thinking. Physics is seeing life with a different frame of reference.
Physics isn't about memorizing, its about identifying, understanding and using, and applying 
what you know to solve problems.

24. HOW can Mr. T help you become a BETTER student?

Mr. T first and foremost does a phenomenal job as a teacher, about the course and about life in general. Even in 45 days, I have learned so much. For Mr. T to help me become a better student, he could bring the day when our tablet PC's come in and when our field trip happens come sooner!! Boy oh boy I will beast on those PC's... problem solving on a higher level. I enjoy our chats and emails, and it would be beneficial to have more of them. That would help the most. Other than that, I like the direction I'm going in, I just have to let you know when we need to have more reasonable deadlines better, thats all.

Going into my own personal ability to problem solve, I would say I am getting there. I am making strides, I can do the problems, which is pretty elementary. The big problem to solve is to truly identify what the problem is asking for, and to recognize it, and to apply what you know. If I learn to do that with the problems, solving them will not be an issue anymore. 
25. WHAT should Mr. T consider changing to HELP you become a BETTER student?

I like the idea where teaching and learning are one in the same... I would like it if there were more instances of that for me. 

26. LIST who you regularly study with in this class.

Johann Alcaraz, Maureen Tigno for the most part. Sometimes even Mary Leanne Regacho 
Ramos, but only once in a while. Johann and Maureen for sure. But I wouldn't call what I have 
with those girls an efficient triad...

27. SUMMARIZE your time log: number of entries and number of hours studied.

Summer: 41 entries, 59 hours, 35 minutes

1st Quarter: 40 entries, 79 hours, 57 minutes

Total: 81 entries, 139 hours 32 min

28. Any other concerns or comments?

I just want to be able to reach some agreement with somebody or people that "Hey, I want us to ride and die in Fiziks. I want to struggle with you." I've yet to find. In the meantime, I will be Cleaning out my closet.  


sushifiend said...

Hahaha. I was waiting for Tillay to comment yours too.

I like how each of us approaches the evaluation a different way.
Don't worry, I'm not dropping it.

Alright, I'm gonna finish those conclusions on the labs. Hah- my "perfection" eh? (^^,)

dt said...

Big E, your potential is only limited by your imagination.

REMEMBER: Imagination is truly more powerful than knowledge.

Your evaluation is thorough and reveals your humanity! The concern you show for the group process and its role in learning is something few in this class really understand!!! I am glad that "one member is there to help preach the gospel of collaboration and resulting success for all!"

Your insight about chapter questions is revealing. Boyle is mainly a pattern for strugglers. My Phyz Guides is for those who struggle with the college level reading of Giancoli.


Love your L to the third power motto!

Mr. T