Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I cannot put into words what these three days have been like. When I said life changed drastically, it was an understatement. I've probably met hundreds of new people, some of whom I have a hard time remembering names. It's predominantly asian, then a distant white population as second, then probably indian/middle eastern. Nobody's filipino. It's weird how the half-a-handful filipinos that are here are so divided, except my roommate is half. There is no cluster of filipinos; to find two full ones is impossible. Rare to even see one.

Berkeley makes me realize how short I am. There's always something to do, something to see, someone to meet. It's so fast. Some people are definitely the people that hardly study and get good grades, some people work hard for their grades, and I feel inferior. By a lot.

Some people got 5's on all of their AP exams...and they got accepted into Ivy Leagues and everything, but just chose berkeley. That shit scares me.

The conversations I've had with people are so different from when I would talk to my friends. There is no slang used whatsoever. You hear a big word every other sentence, like "inundated" and "cognitive" and all those other adjectives that could be easily replaced with a simpler word. It's ridiculous.

It's hard to blog about my experiences because a whole bunch happens and its too much to describe. Let me try to put a whole bunch of shit down. Random stuff.

I bowled with Koreans tonight. My suite mates are introverted nerds that dont go out. Foothill is generally quiet, too quiet, and the south side is definitely better. My RA is cool. My roommate brought a 32 inch tv into our dorm, and im happy he did. Playing gears of war 2 until 1 am is dope. Food is kinda expensive. My legs are so tired from walking every day. Bums are scary. Berkeley is definitely not a place for relationships whatsoever. Everyone I've met is totally not looking for anything at all, and I feel in a way like my future girlfriend won't even come from Berkeley. Imagine that, being single for four more years. I guess people think I'm a pretty cool guy to talk to, I've met probably close to two hundred people in three days. I can definitely say one of my cooler new friends is my friend Kimberly Woo, whom I've spent today's afternoon and bowling night with.

I love college.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 ways.

It was dope catching up with you guys again and talking about middle school and high school. It's always fun to hear about things people remember when you totally forgot about it. Ronnel and his big ass headphones HAHAHAHA

Monday, August 17, 2009


I take a lot of pride in not tooting my own horn; hardly ever talking myself up or boasting. I always believed the coolest people personified the word instead of declaring or analyzing it. The thought of "actions speak louder than words", and to "speak softly and carry a big stick" resounds to me.

There's a lot of people who throw the word "cool" around like litter, and they come off as cocky. I'm not really mindful of them. If anything, I'd listen to them talk all day about how dope they are. I'd even reply to their statements and start conversation about their level of coolness, haha. That would be a very pointless encounter, though.

To be honest, the coolest people just do things instead of beating around the bush. They know hella stuff; just being outright streetsmart about a lot of different topics. They put out this sense of self confidence without putting out the sense that they're full of themselves, nor going out and putting everyone down for not knowing things.

Just the other day I got a comment about my Cal youtube in an earlier blog; they knew where that cheer was from-- The Rocky Horror Show. I thought that was cool for that person to know that. Kudos to you!

I really try to live off the thought of proving your worth instead of declaring your worth. If you're raw, people take notice. In all actuality, thats where the word "raw" derived from-- having sheer natural and exceptional talent in something; raw talent. Your parents always tell you to choose your friends wisely. Well, I always was gravitated towards those raw types. That's a compliment, friends!

I dont say that I know it all and that I look down on the uncool. Do you. That's cool enough in and of itself. Cool is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Pain and sorrow is in the eye of the beholder. Do you get where I'm going with this?

Basically, everything is dependent upon a certain perspective. That's what I learned in AP Physics, and that's probably the most important thing I learned in AP Physics. So fuck off, you smart ass Berkeley nerds. I'm coming for your ass. I'm rippin' heads off while turning heads.

To end, it doesn't hurt to toot your own horn here and there. The Good life has balance.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The last few days have all been about realizing, identifying, and understanding.

In a short ten days (nine if you count today being basically done) my life's gonna change drastically. I have to be ready for it, physically and mentally prepared.

I have to break the mold, break the culture that I am accustomed to, and I have to be ready to adapt. It's not survival of the fittest, but of the most adapted.

I have to understand that my life has to turn its focus on succeeding in my education. That's the most I can offer, and it's what I do best. I'm gonna have a little faith and hope that I can take on the challenge Berkeley has for me, I know it's not gonna be easy by any means.

I have to realize I'm gonna be a city kid now, where buses and Bart is your sole means of transportation. Thank God I have a bike. I'm going to use what knowledge of streets I have already and go off that, knowing that I will learn my direction with time. No more is the '86 Mercedes rolling up to the high school, with me runnin' shit. I'm a nobody, and I gotta prove myself that I belong.

I have to identify that girls in life are many things. Girls cannot be seen as all the same, nor can be generally addressed by any stereotype. Some are friends, some aren't, some are keepers, some you stay away from. Girls will be at college, I know that but I'm here for me and mine. That's the objective. I'm just trying to be a nice, bright young man.

I'm waiting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alexa Chung.

I've mentioned it before, but tonight I'm going to officially start my all out Alexa Chung public lovefest.

Her dad's chinese. Mom's british. She's twenty-six and she's five foot eight. God, I'm praying hard that I grow taller. I'm only an inch off haha.

You know, she's probably on of the top five celebrities I would really, really be excited to meet other than Lil' Wayne, Kanye, Drake, Pharrell. She's top five material, but the top girl for me.

Honestly I don't know what's gotten to me. I practically just started watching her show literally two weeks ago and I fell in love with her. Her accent is sexy. She's brilliantly witty and clever with her humor. That's the best humor of all hahah.

Yeah, I consider her my new girlfriend, since me and Meagan Fox have had our differences lately. Since Transformers 2 released, we eventually drifted and fortunately for me I found Alexa. We're happily together.

Haha, in my dreams. Plus knowing that I have no girlfriend whatsoever, not even close hahah. My love life is so nonexistant that it's becoming borderline petty and pathetic, I think. Whoo, way to go Earnest haha.

Alexa Chung...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Taking a step back and looking to see how other people fare with their college preparations, people seem nervous. Anxious. Scared.

Anything but hopeful.

I see it way too many times where people talk about worrying about missing home, missing Vallejo, missing the past and holding on to it for too long. In all actuality, nobody is really going anywhere. Everyone's gonna be in the area. It's not like anybody went across the country or to another state or even down south. If you really care or vice versa, friends would either visit each other at college or make plans during the breaks or weekends. It's that simple.

Vallejo will still be there. It will always be. Same old Vallejo. This is a good and bad thing.

The stuff I take pride in myself is my ability to tolerate a lot of things without complaining, whining or losing composure, and my knack for looking on the bright side. With that said, I'm not really worried about missing anything or anyone. Yeah, I would miss my family if anything but even then that's minimal. I'm not worried about missing Vallejo. I'm not worried about my past. I will miss my close friends, but it's a feeling that must be kind of ignored, it's like necessary.

My vision of college is to learn to do you. Be you, be nobody but you, and to learn to do you good. It's about learning who you are, being able to stand up and spread your wings without being judged or worring about all the BS of high school. It's a fresh start, a clean slate. Nobody knows who the hell you are, some people dont care, some people want to care.

Some people don't see the opportunity at hand.

I'm not saying that I'm gonna get out there in Berkeley and never coming back to Vallejo or the people I know in it, but what I am saying is that I'm gonna make the most of my opportunity. And people who know me best know that I do that with every chance that I'm given. They knew that I gave everything I could to Vallejo and Vallejo High when the time came, working tirelessly in the classroom, in Leadership, and everything else I did.

I'm not dissing where I came from, I'm not ditching anyone, I'm saying that the time for us to find our paths in life has come.

And it's gonna start real soon.