Sunday, July 26, 2009

I love College.

This was how my orientation ended. It's not a video of my specific orientation, but it was exactly like it. This moment made all of my uncertainties about choosing the right college go away. Enjoy.

P.S. I can teach this cheer along with a bunch of other Cal cheers to you if you ask!

Coming to an End

Summer is slowly coming down the stretch. There's about four more weeks left, probably even less since some of the time must be used for buying stuff for my dorm or going school shopping. It's like a dead time right now haha

Nothing's really happening, everyone's working or busy. It's cool though, I mean it's not like I'm always home, but I'm home more. Today I'm going to see Kris Lawrence with Ronnel and Rochelle? haha.

August 10 is the SF vs. LA game? oh shit. haha, "We ruuuun LA"

August 24 is when I move in to my dorm, and it's also Ronnel's birthday. Aww! I need to get him something. Him, Rochelle, Lisa haha but I been know what to get Lisa haha

Honestly I haven't thought of the 24th until it gets reminded to me. I haven't gotten ready at all yet. What I have been doing is learning songs on my ukulele! Had my first jam session like two days ago. I'm hella bad hahaha

The nights end pretty quietly. Sometimes I just go to sleep early, and when I'm up I'm just playing uke. I haven't talked to girls in a long, ass, time. And my IM list is pretty mute. haha

I kinda want a going away party. Just to see everyone again for a good one time before I go. That'd be the shit.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Berkeley, and 80 West.

For the greater part of the last 8 days, I have been on and in these places.

Last Saturday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday I've just spent days in Berkeley. On campus, at orientation, even after orientation ended I went back the next two days to just explore telegraph, bought some new SB's! I'm beginning to know Berkeley and how to get around it like the back of my hand.

How I feel about college and what's in front of me, is like a time bomb. Sooner or later I'm gonna explode and get out there and get active. Chillin' and having time off this summer is fun, and no doubt this has been by far the best summer I ever had, but there is definitely something greater in life to conquer. What little glimpse I had at orientation, it just helped me realize that. The people I got to meet, and then coming back to facebook and actually finding them, it's exciting.

I found my roommate and friend Raymond on facebook, and I thought I was gonna like jump for joy. That nigga is cool. And it's especially funny how he was the very first person I met there. He's like into all the shit that I'm into, but way smarter.

You can check out my other new fwends in my new friend acceptances on facebook. Just go to my profile.

The way I feel, it's like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, and I'm itching to jump off and spread my wings. I'm ready to fly.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Last two days was Amazing.

Again, the last two days have been amazing. Mostly because of hoopin'/chillin'/explorin'/swimmin'.

Two stores on that previous list have been checked. SB Bruin's are nice...

I had stroke yesterday and today. It's nasty right now haha. The sky is falling, it's raining outside, I'm at splash mountain, wet daddy, whatever you wanna call it, my shot is dead on and I'm wet. Today it was at american canyon. First I was just shooting around and stuff cuz nobody was there, but around 7ish people came. Big people. Tall people. I'm talkin' six feet and over, twenty-two year old black people. It didn't matter. hahaha.

All I gotta say is...they didn't want it. It sure was hot outside though. I'm getting dark

Yesterday was fun too. Went swimming with the fam, then chilled at Sarina's for a bit. It was good seeing Alexis again. He is my nigga.


Monday, July 13, 2009

My Nike's.

Me and my nike's have a bond. Sometime's I hate that I have so much, and there are a few that I want to get off my hands, but for the most part I have appreciation for all of them.

There are a few SB shops worth hitting up this summer:

Boardgardens in Napa
Fresh Fits in Fairfield
510 Skateboarding in Berkeley (Telegraph!?!)
Caliskatz in Fremont
Stussy SF on Haight
Deluxe in SF on Market
Huf in SF on Hayes...not the one on Sutter, that sucks
Log Shop in Pacifica
Triumph in San Rafael

That's a lot of stores to see. But it's possible this summer. I bet at least three of those stores on that list will be looked at this week. I'm not necessarily going to buy something, which is highly unlikely since I have low funds, but more for adventure and finding cool stores to shop at that other people don't know about.

I love these types of stores because they are really "hole in the wall" kind of stores, separated from malls or any shopping centers, just in the middle of communities that you really have to look for. They kind of blend in too since the stores are so small. Just last week I found one shoe store in Westlake, Kick City. Who woulda thought? haha

It's cool that you're talking to someone else, I'm happy for you. It's worth mentioning, and just know that I haven't gone anywhere, you can count on me to talk when you need it. I won't weird out on you, I'll just be that constant person. It's good.

As for me, I'm not looking. I thought about it for a long time and honestly felt that I haven't met my next girlfriend yet, like she's not someone I know. Let's keep it that way, haha cuz I'm gona to be single for a loooonnnnng time. But I like a girl who's beautiful and doesn't even try, naturally hella fun but not clingy, laughs at my jokes and thinks I'm funny. I can't really think of anyone who fits that right now..

By the way, I got some new jokes!!!! Ask me hardy har har

Thursday, July 9, 2009


A lot of times I totally forgive people for the whole particular incident the moment they say sorry. I just give people hell until they are and then I completely forget about it. It's that short term memory haha

There's a lot of times where I talk to people and the conversation is totally about them, and I'm there talking about them.

I enjoy being polite to people.

I like being her good friend. Means alot to me that she's able to talk to me about her current ventures, it probably means alot to her too, or at least I'd hope so. Good luck! haha I knew it was gonna take a guy or someone new for it to get over. That or hella time. It's good though, I like this role. =]

I'm gonna get down that she was mine song on uke if it's the last thing I do!

Giants game tonight! Tim Lincecum is pitching! Outfield seats! ooooo boy

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Just thinking about Michael Jackson's memorial, his life, his death, just Michael Jackson in general. No homo.

I like to research and read stuff on the internet, especially on Wikipedia. The day after Michael Jackson's death I looked up the only other superstar whose death was as tragic-- Elvis. He died of drug overdose. Michael Jackson is not as serious, but somewhat similar since his prolonged use of drugs over the years due to stress and strain from accusations of the media that provoked his cardiac arrest. I read pretty much the whole Wiki Page on Michael, and most of Elvis'. I would then watch his music videos in between paragraphs. Then I googled his images though the decades.

What I thought was most interesting was how his face morphed from 1981, to 1984, to 1987, to 1993, to 1997, to 2005. Bad, real bad! But honestly if I was a teenager in the 90's I would probably idolize MJ, both MJ's hahaha Michael Jordan too. I think it's just because MJ in the 80's was so smooth and he had cutting edge steez, like nobody was on his level of flair. Michael Jackson had sheer star power. Not even Kanye was as stuntastic.

My favorite Michael Jackson song was probably "The way you make me feel". That's going on a tangent but whatever, haha. Good song, haha. It just amazes me how he impacted the world so much, even in my life. Good man.

I really want to read that book Omnivore's Dilemma. But I really need to finish my homework. Gay ass class.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Yesterday I was at my Uncle Mike's house, and my Auntie Basang was on her web cam with her mom in the Philippines. She was introducing everyone around in sight of the camera and got to me, all the while showing my goddaughter off haha. The reason why I bring this up is because even someone across oceans and in a totally different country, on the other side of the globe, eleven thousand miles away, identifies me as "oh, it's the genius of the family!" Great. -___-

I never knew my Auntie in Florida went into Computer Science too. She's not into all the programming side of it like my Uncle is. I really need to talk to her about what she does haha. But it is cool to know two relatives got into what I'm planning on doing! Is it in the genes? haha just kidding.

Really, I'm not ashamed of it, but it just amazes me that I'm really seen as smart first. Like, people think of me and the first thing they think of is smart. That's cool. I guess I am, cuz I'm going to Berkeley right? People don't normally get the opportunity to. I honestly haven't had one thought about school or college this summer. I totally let all of it go and I'm exhausting all of my "let's get active" attitude until my mind starts to head back into study mode. Good plan right?

Orientation is on the 15th-16th. I get to sleep at the university for a night haha! I'm gonna love college.

Giants game on the 9th! OH SHIT

There's this one book I'd really like to read. It got sent in from the University. It's entitled "The Omnivore's Dilemma"-- i read like 5 pages and stopped. Haha but I plan on picking up!

I like being the Batman in life. People think something of me, and I don't really care. I just do my thing and don't get caught up in trying to upkeep in explaining myself or my rep. Because I feel people will just see the good in the long run. Eventually over time people will know I didn't do drugs or smoked or was all over girls. Time tells.

People will see the good.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A start

but the movie times weren't right, probably for a reason. not tryna force

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4 am.

Okay, so I apparently fell asleep with the laptop on again. Now I'm up.

I really like blogs that are real. That bare a little piece of mind and soul in the post. Those kinds of blogs that totally say "Alright, this is how I feel. Okay world, take it how you want to take it." I like reading Rochelle's, Lisa's, and even Angela's too when it's good. My sister's is also sometimes interesting, but I can't read all her posts because then I would think she's all homo no hetero hahaha just kidding

Have you read Lisa's blog entitled "Ode to the nice guys"? I read it like last week, and I just found myself coming back to it a while ago to read all the stuff that nice guys are and do and see how much of it applies. I feel like I am a nice guy sometimes, and other times I'm not. But I honestly believe my intentions are always in the right direction. It may not work out that way or seem so, but my intentions are dead on. I dunno, am I a nice guy?

Natalia said as she told me last night how we wouldn't work out that "I'm a hella nice guy and hella smart too. And any girl would be lucky to have you =)" I'll just take it for what it is, which is a compliment.

Sometimes people would take comments like that and dismiss it as total bullshit. But I'm an optimist in this rough world, so I'll believe that it was heartfelt and true.

Transformers 2 is a good ass movie. I'm not going to spoil it. Okay okay I'll spoil it: Meagan Fox is so hot! And a good ass girlfriend! How old is she? I have a chance...haha